The Girl

The Girl

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Forty Days of Diabetes - Day 33

If I had a duck for every test strip......

They are everywhere, and I mean everywhere. I find them stuck to the bottom of my shoes, in the dryer, dishwasher, bottom of my purse, sprinkled throughout her room like fairy dust. It's almost impossible to walk into a room in our home and not find one somewhere. 

Without insurance the simple act of checking blood sugar can be a financial struggle for some families. The strips we use cost about $1.63 each. She checks a minimum of 5 times a day but most days checks more often. Averaged out over the year our strips would cost about $4,200 out of pocket without insurance. That's before factoring in pump sites, insulin, ketone strips, syringes, Glucagon, and the other assorted sundries that come alone with the joy of T1D. 

I've become accustomed to finding them. Everywhere! I've accepted it, embrace it even, because if there are test strips it mean she's checking. If she's checking she's taking care of herself. if she's taking care of herself she has a better chance of avoiding complications associated with T1D. Like heart disease, nerve damage, kidney disease, and retinopathy.

With JDRF and your help maybe we can get to a point where she doesn't need to check. Or find a way to check with less pain and discomfort. Because they're not only focused on a cure, they're also focused on finding better ways to live with T1D. Help us turn Type 1 into Type None with your tax deductible donation today and help this carefree girl live a long and healthy life without the burden of T1D.

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