Day 14 - What's in your bag?

$80 glucometer and test strips
$240 Glucagon
$6000 insulin pump
$30 pump sites
$210 insulin vial
$1200 continuous glucose monitor
$150 continuous glucose monitor sensor
These are things they're carrying every single day. To school, on vacations, to the mall, and to the beach. And sometimes those things don't come home with them. And insurance companies aren't going to say, "gee, I'm sorry that happened to you, let me cover another". It doesn't happen. The small stuff, meter & test strips, insulin, etc.., is easy enough to replace. Most families stock at least 3 months of supplies on hand. Families who have decent coverage and the means to manage the co-pays. Other families must choose at times between diabetes supplies and buying groceries or paying the bills.

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