Know The Signs
The T1D community was rocked this year by a little girl named Kycie. Six-year-old Kycie became ill on a Monday with flu-like symptoms, saw her pediatrician on Wednesday and was sent home with antibiotics with a strep throat diagnosis. Having not gotten any better by Friday she returned to her doctor's office and was sent to the ER where she was eventually life flighted to her local Children's Hospital with a blood sugar of 1,148. En route to the hospital Kycie experienced seizures which led to permanent brain damage.
She wasn't expected to survive but she did. Kycie spent the next 4 months in the hospital and was finally able to go home in May. At 4:30am on July 12, 2015 Kycie lost her battle. Just one drop of blood could have saved her life. Had her pediatrician done a simple blood test or checked her urine things could have turned out very differently for this family.

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