The Girl

The Girl

Monday, October 5, 2015

Forty Days of Diabetes - Day 41

Three Years and Counting

And that's a wrap folks! One more year come and gone. Not just for fundraising but as a "D" family as well.

October 5th, 2012. The day our lives changed forever. Three years ago I got up and left for work like any other day. But there was something there. I knew things weren't right. I honestly thought we were going to get a much worse diagnosis. The lost weight, lethargy, and bruising all over her legs was leading my mind down a much scarier path.

And then the was D. I'd be lying if I said it's all bad. It's a challenging lifestyle but we've had some great experiences along the way. We have people in our lives now, near and far, that we'd never have crossed paths with if it wasn't for D. 

You're 40 day journey may be over but we still have a long way to go. Because D is here day in and day out. It doesn't care if our schedules are busy. If we're trying to celebrate, sleep, study, or just be carefree. It's always here. It will be here when she goes to high school, gets her drivers permit, falls in love for the first time, shops for a prom dress that will hide her pump. It will always be here. 

So we celebrate this day. With cards, presents, flowers. We celebrate because it's not just the day she was diagnosed, it's also the day her life was saved. Because I consider us one of the lucky ones. Because the alternative to her being diagnosed would be not having her here at all. On October 4th, 2012 we were just a regular family. And then there was D.

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