Our third JDRF walk is sneaking up on us. This means that T1D has been in our lives for almost three years. It's becoming more difficult to remember a time when it wasn't there. Last year I kicked off our fundraising campaign with Forty Days of Diabetes on Facebook to raise awareness not only about Type 1 Diabetes but also about how much it affects a whole family living with it.
So it seemed so appropriate to talk about Caitlin's nighttime low last night. Things like this don't happen very often but they're not so uncommon either. We walk the fine line every day of trying to keep her as close to 100 as possible without inducing hypoglycemic events. It's not easy!!
Forty Days of Diabetes - Day 1
Tap, tap, tap.... I peek at my phone, it's 2:30am. She sneaks the door open, "I'm 64". Her voice is small and sad. She's too tired to eat, just wants to sleep. I walk her back to her room and lay with her while she eats Skittles. Even a child doesn't want to eat Skittles in the middle of the night. I worry about cavities, I worry about the "what-if's", what if she hadn't woken up, what if she'd been at a sleepover, what will happen when she goes to college? I worry....
And then we check and recheck until we see a happy number and everyone goes back to bed. Just a regular night in a house where T1D lives.