We weathered the year with more highs than lows. And when I say that I mean it in both ways. With growth hormones raging and puberty lurking around the corner it was a constant struggle to keep her in range. But emotionally it was far more good than bad:)
As much as I want to give D a big fat F.U., I can't help but reflect on the good things it brought to us in 2014:
In February we were lucky enough to participate in our second Riding on Insulin event. Riding on Insulin was founded by Sean Busby, a professional snowboarder with Type 1 Diabetes. Their mission is to empower those living with T1D to challenge the illness and learn to ski, snowboard, ride BMX, etc. in a safe environment.

We fundraised through most of October for our second JDRF Walk to Cure Diabetes. Caitlin raised $3,954 with your help and support!
Caitlin ran cross country for the first time in 2014. With all the exercise and training came a lot of lows, lows, lows... As with every new experience with T1D, we made adjustments and tried new things and she kicked D's butt in the end. She made it to every meet and missed just a practice or two, no more than any other teammate not dealing with a 24/7 disease.

And now onward to 2015. Bring on the challenges of raising a pre-teen with T1D! I'm ready for this. I will take the bad with the good because I know the good will prevail. We look forward to seeing old friends at Riding on Insulin, Clara Barton Camp, and our JDRF walk. In July you'll find us at Disney's Coronado Springs Resort for our first Children with Diabetes Friends for Life Conference. This conference brings together an international group of clinicians, researchers, physicians, adults, children, and families with diabetes to learn the most current information in diabetes care. With a whole lot of fun mixed in!!
Happy New Year to all!! May all your goals and dreams for 2015 be within reach. Get out there and make them happen:)